Matlab for Convex Optimization & Euclidean Distance Geometry
From Wikimization
These MATLAB programs come from the book Convex Optimization & Euclidean Distance Geometry, by Dattorro, which is available for download online.
Made by The MathWorks, MATLAB is a high level programming language and graphical user interface for linear algebra.
Some programs require an addon called CVX, an intuitive Matlab interface for interior-point method solvers.
%Is real D a Euclidean Distance Matrix. -Jon Dattorro % %[Dclosest,X,isisnot,r] = isedm(D,tolerance,verbose,dimension,V) % %Returns: closest EDM in Schoenberg sense (default output), % a generating list X, % string 'is' or 'isnot' EDM, % actual affine dimension r corresponding to EDM output. %Input: candidate matrix D, % optional absolute numerical tolerance for EDM determination, % optional verbosity 'on' or 'off', % optional desired affine dimension of generating list X output, % optional choice of 'Vn' auxiliary matrix (default) or 'V'. function [Dclosest,X,isisnot,r] = isedm(D,tolerance_in,verbose,dim,V); isisnot = 'is'; N = length(D); if nargin < 2 | isempty(tolerance_in) tolerance_in = eps; end tolerance = max(tolerance_in, eps*N*norm(D)); if nargin < 3 | isempty(verbose) verbose = 'on'; end if nargin < 5 | isempty(V) V = 'Vn'; end %is empty if N < 1 if strcmp(verbose,'on'), disp('Input D is empty.'), end X = [ ]; Dclosest = [ ]; isisnot = 'isnot'; r = [ ]; return end %is square if size(D,1) ~= size(D,2) if strcmp(verbose,'on'), disp('An EDM must be square.'), end X = [ ]; Dclosest = [ ]; isisnot = 'isnot'; r = [ ]; return end %is real if ~isreal(D) if strcmp(verbose,'on'), disp('Because an EDM is real,'), end isisnot = 'isnot'; D = real(D); end %is nonnegative if sum(sum(chop(D,tolerance) < 0)) isisnot = 'isnot'; if strcmp(verbose,'on'), disp('Because an EDM is nonnegative,'),end end %is symmetric if sum(sum(abs(chop((D - D')/2,tolerance)) > 0)) isisnot = 'isnot'; if strcmp(verbose,'on'), disp('Because an EDM is symmetric,'), end D = (D + D')/2; %only required condition end %has zero diagonal if sum(abs(diag(chop(D,tolerance))) > 0) isisnot = 'isnot'; if strcmp(verbose,'on') disp('Because an EDM has zero main diagonal,') end end %is EDM if strcmp(V,'Vn') VDV = -Vn(N)'*D*Vn(N); else VDV = -Vm(N)'*D*Vm(N); end [Evecs Evals] = signeig(VDV); if ~isempty(find(chop(diag(Evals),max(tolerance_in,eps*N*normest(VDV))) < 0)) isisnot = 'isnot'; if strcmp(verbose,'on'), disp('Because -VDV < 0,'), end end if strcmp(verbose,'on') if strcmp(isisnot,'isnot') disp('matrix input is not EDM.') elseif tolerance_in == eps disp('Matrix input is EDM to machine precision.') else disp('Matrix input is EDM to specified tolerance.') end end %find generating list r = max(find(chop(diag(Evals),max(tolerance_in,eps*N*normest(VDV))) > 0)); if isempty(r) r = 0; end if nargin < 4 | isempty(dim) dim = r; else dim = round(dim); end t = r; r = min(r,dim); if r == 0 X = zeros(1,N); else if strcmp(V,'Vn') X = [zeros(r,1) diag(sqrt(diag(Evals(1:r,1:r))))*Evecs(:,1:r)']; else X = [diag(sqrt(diag(Evals(1:r,1:r))))*Evecs(:,1:r)']/sqrt(2); end end if strcmp(isisnot,'isnot') | dim < t Dclosest = Dx(X); else Dclosest = D; end
Alencar, Bonates, Lavor, & Liberti propose a more robust isedm() by replacing eigenvalue decomposition with singular value decomposition.
Subroutines for isedm()
% zeroing entries below specified absolute tolerance threshold % -Jon Dattorro function Y = chop(A,tolerance) R = real(A); I = imag(A); if nargin == 1 tolerance = max(size(A))*norm(A)*eps; end idR = find(abs(R) < tolerance); idI = find(abs(I) < tolerance); R(idR) = 0; I(idI) = 0; Y = R + i*I;
function y = Vn(N) y = [-ones(1,N-1); eye(N-1)]/sqrt(2);
% returns EDM V matrix function V = Vm(n) V = [eye(n)-ones(n,n)/n];
% Sorts signed real part of eigenvalues % and applies sort to values and vectors. % [Q, lam] = signeig(A) % -Jon Dattorro function [Q, lam] = signeig(A); [q l] = eig(A); lam = diag(l); [junk id] = sort(real(lam)); id = id(length(id):-1:1); lam = diag(lam(id)); Q = q(:,id); if nargout < 2 Q = diag(lam); end
% Make EDM from point list function D = Dx(X) [n,N] = size(X); one = ones(N,1); XTX = X'*X; del = diag(XTX); D = del*one' + one*del' - 2*XTX;
taxicab (1 norm) distance matrix
%Distance matrix from point list in 1 norm function D = D1(X); [n,N] = size(X); D = kron(eye(N),ones(1,n))*abs(kron(ones(1,N),X(:)) - kron(ones(N,1),X));
conic independence
Given an arbitrary set of directions, this c.i. subroutine removes the conically dependent members.
Yet a conically independent set returned is not necessarily unique.
In that case, if desired, the set returned may be altered by reordering the set input.
% Remove c.i. directions in rows or columns of X. -Jon Dattorro % function [Xci, indep_str, how_many_depend, kept] = conici(X,'rowORcol',tolerance); function [Xci, indep_str, how_many_depend, kept] = conici(X,rowORcol,tol); if nargin < 3 tol=max(size(X))*eps*normest(X); end if nargin < 2 || strcmp(rowORcol,'col') || isempty(rowORcol) rowORcol = 'col'; Xin = X; elseif strcmp(rowORcol,'row') Xin = X'; else disp('Invalid rowORcol input.') return end [n, N] = size(Xin); indep_str = 'conically independent'; how_many_depend = 0; kept = [1:N]'; if rank(Xin,tol) == N Xci = chop(X,tol); return end count = 1; new_N = N; %remove zero columns for i=1:new_N if chop(Xin(:,count),tol)==0 how_many_depend = how_many_depend + 1; indep_str = 'conically Dependent'; Xin(:,count) = [ ]; kept(count) = [ ]; new_N = new_N - 1; else count = count + 1; end end %remove identical columns D = sqrt(Dx(Xin)); T = tril(ones(new_N,new_N))*normest(D); ir = find(D+T < tol); if ~isempty(ir) [iir jir] = ind2sub(size(D),ir); indep_str = 'conically Dependent'; sizebefore = size(Xin); Xin(:,jir) = [ ]; sizeafter = size(Xin); kept(jir) = [ ]; new_N = size(Xin,2); how_many_depend = how_many_depend + sizebefore(2)-sizeafter(2); end %remove conic dependencies count = 1; newer_N = new_N; for i=1:newer_N if newer_N > 1 A = [Xin(:,1:count-1) Xin(:,count+1:newer_N); -eye(newer_N-1)]; b = [Xin(:,count); zeros(newer_N-1,1)]; [a, lambda, how] = lp(zeros(newer_N-1,1),A,b,[ ],[ ],[ ],n,-1); if ~strcmp(how,'infeasible') how_many_depend = how_many_depend + 1; indep_str = 'conically Dependent'; Xin(:,count) = [ ]; kept(count) = [ ]; newer_N = newer_N - 1; else count = count + 1; end end end if strcmp(rowORcol,'col') Xci = chop(Xin, tol); else Xci = chop(Xin',tol); end
The recommended subroutine lp() is a linear program solver (simplex method) from Matlab's Optimization Toolbox v2.0 (R11).
Later releases of Matlab replace lp() with linprog() (interior-point method) that we find quite inferior to lp() on an assortment of problems;
indeed, inherent limitation of numerical precision of solution to 1E-8 in linprog() causes failure in programs previously working with lp().
The source code is available here: lp.m which calls myqpsubold.m
LP Linear programming. X=LP(f,A,b) solves the linear programming problem: min f'x subject to: Ax <= b x X=LP(f,A,b,VLB,VUB) defines a set of lower and upper bounds on the design variables, X, so that the solution is always in the range VLB <= X <= VUB. X=LP(f,A,b,VLB,VUB,X0) sets the initial starting point to X0. X=LP(f,A,b,VLB,VUB,X0,N) indicates that the first N constraints defined by A and b are equality constraints. X=LP(f,A,b,VLB,VUB,X0,N,DISPLAY) controls the level of warning messages displayed. Warning messages can be turned off with DISPLAY = -1. [X,LAMBDA]=LP(f,A,b) returns the set of Lagrangian multipliers, LAMBDA, at the solution. [X,LAMBDA,HOW] = LP(f,A,b) also returns a string how that indicates error conditions at the final iteration. LP produces warning messages when the solution is either unbounded or infeasible.
Map of the USA
EDM, mapusa()
% Find map of USA using only distance information. % -Jon Dattorro % Reconstruction from EDM. clear all; close all; load usalo; % From Matlab Mapping Toolbox % To speed-up execution (decimate map data), make % 'factor' bigger positive integer. factor = 1; Mg = 2*factor; % Relative decimation factors Ms = factor; Mu = 2*factor; gtlakelat = decimate(gtlakelat,Mg); gtlakelon = decimate(gtlakelon,Mg); statelat = decimate(statelat,Ms); statelon = decimate(statelon,Ms); uslat = decimate(uslat,Mu); uslon = decimate(uslon,Mu); lat = [gtlakelat; statelat; uslat]*pi/180; lon = [gtlakelon; statelon; uslon]*pi/180; phi = pi/2 - lat; theta = lon; x = sin(phi).*cos(theta); y = sin(phi).*sin(theta); z = cos(phi); % plot original data plot3(x,y,z), axis equal, axis off lengthNaN = length(lat); id = find(isfinite(x)); X = [x(id)'; y(id)'; z(id)']; N = length(X(1,:)) % Make the distance matrix clear gtlakelat gtlakelon statelat statelon clear factor x y z phi theta conus clear uslat uslon Mg Ms Mu lat lon D = diag(X'*X)*ones(1,N) + ones(N,1)*diag(X'*X)' - 2*X'*X; % destroy input data clear X Vn = [-ones(1,N-1); speye(N-1)]; VDV = (-Vn'*D*Vn)/2; clear D Vn pack [evec evals flag] = eigs(VDV, speye(size(VDV)), 10, 'LR'); if flag, disp('convergence problem'), return, end; evals = real(diag(evals)); index = find(abs(evals) > eps*normest(VDV)*N); n = sum(evals(index) > 0); Xs = [zeros(n,1) diag(sqrt(evals(index)))*evec(:,index)']; warning off; Xsplot=zeros(3,lengthNaN)*(0/0); warning on; Xsplot(:,id) = Xs; figure(2) % plot map found via EDM. plot3(Xsplot(1,:), Xsplot(2,:), Xsplot(3,:)) axis equal, axis off
USA map input-data decimation, decimate()
function xd = decimate(x,m) roll = 0; rock = 1; for i=1:length(x) if isnan(x(i)) roll = 0; xd(rock) = x(i); rock=rock+1; else if ~mod(roll,m) xd(rock) = x(i); rock=rock+1; end roll=roll+1; end end xd = xd';
EDM using ordinal data, omapusa()
% Find map of USA using ordinal distance information. % -Jon Dattorro clear all; close all; load usalo; % From Matlab Mapping Toolbox factor = 1; Mg = 2*factor; % Relative decimation factors Ms = factor; Mu = 2*factor; gtlakelat = decimate(gtlakelat,Mg); gtlakelon = decimate(gtlakelon,Mg); statelat = decimate(statelat,Ms); statelon = decimate(statelon,Ms); uslat = decimate(uslat,Mu); uslon = decimate(uslon,Mu); lat = [gtlakelat; statelat; uslat]*pi/180; lon = [gtlakelon; statelon; uslon]*pi/180; phi = pi/2 - lat; theta = lon; x = sin(phi).*cos(theta); y = sin(phi).*sin(theta); z = cos(phi); % plot original data plot3(x,y,z), axis equal, axis off lengthNaN = length(lat); id = find(isfinite(x)); X = [x(id)'; y(id)'; z(id)']; N = length(X(1,:)) % Make the distance matrix clear gtlakelat gtlakelon statelat clear statelon state stateborder greatlakes clear factor x y z phi theta conus clear uslat uslon Mg Ms Mu lat lon D = diag(X'*X)*ones(1,N) + ones(N,1)*diag(X'*X)' - 2*X'*X; % ORDINAL MDS - vectorize D count = 1; M = (N*(N-1))/2; f = zeros(M,1); for j=2:N for i=1:j-1 f(count) = D(i,j); count = count + 1; end end % sorted is f(idx) [sorted idx] = sort(f); clear D sorted X f(idx)=((1:M).^2)/M^2; % Create ordinal data matrix O = zeros(N,N); count = 1; for j=2:N for i=1:j-1 O(i,j) = f(count); O(j,i) = f(count); count = count+1; end end clear f idx Vn = sparse([-ones(1,N-1); eye(N-1)]); VOV = (-Vn'*O*Vn)/2; clear O Vn [evec evals flag] = eigs(VOV, speye(size(VOV)), 10, 'LR'); if flag, disp('convergence problem'), return, end; evals = real(diag(evals)); Xs = [zeros(3,1) diag(sqrt(evals(1:3)))*evec(:,1:3)']; warning off; Xsplot=zeros(3,lengthNaN)*(0/0); warning on; Xsplot(:,id) = Xs; figure(2) % plot map found via Ordinal MDS. plot3(Xsplot(1,:), Xsplot(2,:), Xsplot(3,:)) axis equal, axis off
Rank reduction subroutine, RRf()
% Rank Reduction function -Jon Dattorro % Inputs are: % Xstar matrix, % affine equality constraint matrix A whose rows are in svec format. % % Tolerance scheme needs revision... function X = RRf(Xstar,A); rand('seed',23); m = size(A,1); n = size(Xstar,1); if size(Xstar,1)~=size(Xstar,2) disp('Rank Reduction subroutine: Xstar not square'), pause end toler = norm(eig(Xstar))*size(Xstar,1)*1e-9; if sum(chop(eig(Xstar),toler)<0) ~= 0 disp('Rank Reduction subroutine: Xstar not PSD'), pause end X = Xstar; for i=1:n [v,d]=signeig(X); d(find(d<0))=0; rho = rank(d); for l=1:rho R(:,l,i)=sqrt(d(l,l))*v(:,l); end % find Zi svectRAR=zeros(m,rho*(rho+1)/2); cumu=0; for j=1:m temp = R(:,1:rho,i)'*svectinv(A(j,:))*R(:,1:rho,i); svectRAR(j,:) = svect(temp)'; cumu = cumu + abs(temp); end % try to find sparsity pattern for Z_i tolerance = norm(X,'fro')*size(X,1)*1e-9; Ztem = zeros(rho,rho); pattern = find(chop(cumu,tolerance)==0); if isempty(pattern) % if no sparsity, do random projection ranp = svect(2*(rand(rho,rho)-0.5)); Z(1:rho,1:rho,i) = svectinv((eye(rho*(rho+1)/2)-pinv(svectRAR)*svectRAR)*ranp); else disp('sparsity pattern found') Ztem(pattern)=1; Z(1:rho,1:rho,i) = Ztem; end phiZ = 1; toler = norm(eig(Z(1:rho,1:rho,i)))*rho*1e-9; if sum(chop(eig(Z(1:rho,1:rho,i)),toler)<0) ~= 0 phiZ = -1; end B(:,:,i) = -phiZ*R(:,1:rho,i)*Z(1:rho,1:rho,i)*R(:,1:rho,i)'; % calculate t_i^* t(i) = max(phiZ*eig(Z(1:rho,1:rho,i)))^-1; tolerance = norm(X,'fro')*size(X,1)*1e-6; if chop(Z(1:rho,1:rho,i),tolerance)==zeros(rho,rho) break else X = X + t(i)*B(:,:,i); end end
% Map from symmetric matrix to vector % -Jon Dattorro function y = svect(Y,N) if nargin == 1 N=size(Y,1); end y = zeros(N*(N+1)/2,1); count = 1; for j=1:N for i=1:j if i~=j y(count) = sqrt(2)*Y(i,j); else y(count) = Y(i,j); end count = count + 1; end end
% convert vector into symmetric matrix. m is dim of matrix. % -Jon Dattorro function A = svectinv(y) m = round((sqrt(8*length(y)+1)-1)/2); if length(y) ~= m*(m+1)/2 disp('dimension error in svectinv()'); pause end A = zeros(m,m); count = 1; for j=1:m for i=1:m if i<=j if i==j A(i,i) = y(count); else A(i,j) = y(count)/sqrt(2); A(j,i) = A(i,j); end count = count+1; end end end
Sturm & Zhang's procedure for constructing dyad-decomposition
This is a demonstration program that can easily be transformed to a subroutine for decomposing positive semidefinite matrix .
This procedure provides a nonorthogonal alternative to eigen decomposition.
That particular decomposition obtained is dependent on choice of matrix .
% Sturm procedure to find dyad-decomposition of X -Jon Dattorro clear all N = 4; r = 2; X = 2*(rand(r,N)-0.5); X = X'*X; t = null(svect(X)'); A = svectinv(t(:,1)); % Suppose given matrix A is positive semidefinite %[v,d] = signeig(X); %d(1,1)=0; d(2,2)=0; d(3,3)=pi; %A = v*d*v'; tol = 1e-8; Y = X; y = zeros(size(X,1),r); rho = r; for k=1:r [v,d] = signeig(Y); v = v*sqrt(chop(d,1e-14)); viol = 0; j = [ ]; for i=2:rho if chop((v(:,1)'*A*v(:,1))*(v(:,i)'*A*v(:,i)),tol) ~= 0 viol = 1; end if (v(:,1)'*A*v(:,1))*(v(:,i)'*A*v(:,i)) < 0 j = i; break end end if ~viol y(:,k) = v(:,1); else if isempty(j) disp('Sturm procedure taking default j'), j = 2; return end % debug alpha = (-2*(v(:,1)'*A*v(:,j)) + sqrt((2*v(:,1)'*A*v(:,j)).^2 - 4*(v(:,j)'*A*v(:,j))*(v(:,1)'*A*v(:,1))))/(2*(v(:,j)'*A*v(:,j))); y(:,k) = (v(:,1) + alpha*v(:,j))/sqrt(1+alpha^2); if chop(y(:,k)'*A*y(:,k),tol) ~= 0 alpha = (-2*(v(:,1)'*A*v(:,j)) - sqrt((2*v(:,1)'*A*v(:,j)).^2 - 4*(v(:,j)'*A*v(:,j))*(v(:,1)'*A*v(:,1))))/(2*(v(:,j)'*A*v(:,j))); y(:,k) = (v(:,1) + alpha*v(:,j))/sqrt(1+alpha^2); if chop(y(:,k)'*A*y(:,k),tol) ~= 0 disp('Zero problem in Sturm!'), return end % debug end end Y = Y - y(:,k)*y(:,k)'; rho = rho - 1; end z = zeros(size(y)); e = zeros(N,N); for i=1:r z(:,i) = y(:,i)/norm(y(:,i)); e(i,i) = norm(y(:,i))^2; end lam = diag(e); [junk id] = sort(real(lam)); id = id(length(id):-1:1); z = [z(:,id(1:r)) null(z')] % Sturm e = diag(lam(id)) [v,d] = signeig(X) % eigenvalue decomposition X-z*e*z' traceAX = trace(A*X)
Convex Iteration demonstration - Boolean feasibility
We demonstrate implementation of a rank constraint in a semidefinite Boolean feasibility problem.
It requires CVX, an intuitive Matlab interface for interior-point method solvers.
There are a finite number of binary vectors .
The feasible set of the semidefinite program from the book is the intersection of an elliptope with halfspaces in vectorized composite .
Size of the optimal rank-1 solution set is proportional to the positive factor scaling vector b.
The smaller that optimal Boolean solution set, the harder this problem is to solve; indeed, it can be made as small as one point.
That scale factor and initial state of random number generators, making matrix A and vector b, are selected to demonstrate Boolean solution to one instance in a few iterations (a few seconds);
whereas sequential binary search takes one hour to test 25.7 million vectors before finding one Boolean solution feasible to the nonconvex problem from the book.
(Other parameters can be selected to realize a reversal of these timings.)
% Discrete optimization problem demo. % -Jon Dattorro, June 4, 2007 % Find x\in{-1,1}^N such that Ax <= b clear all; format short g; M = 10; N = 50; randn('state',0); rand('state',0); A = randn(M,N); b = rand(M,1)*5; disp('Find binary solution by convex iteration:') tic Y = zeros(N+1); count = 1; traceGY = 1e15; cvx_precision([1e-12, 1e-4]); cvx_quiet(true); while 1 cvx_begin variable X(N,N) symmetric; variable x(N,1); G = [X, x; x', 1]; minimize(trace(G*Y)); diag(X) == 1; G == semidefinite(N+1); A*x <= b; cvx_end [v,d,q] = svd(G); Y = v(:,2:N+1)*v(:,2:N+1)'; rankG = sum(diag(d) > max(diag(d))*1e-8) oldtrace = traceGY; traceGY = trace(G*Y) if rankG == 1 break end if round((oldtrace - traceGY)*1e3) == 0 disp('STALLED');disp(' '); Y = -v(:,2:N+1)*(v(:,2:N+1)' + randn(N,1)*v(:,1)'); end count = count + 1; end x count toc disp('Ax <= b , x\in{-1,1}^N') disp(' ');disp('Combinatorial search for a feasible binary solution:') tic for i=1:2^N binary = str2num(dec2bin(i-1)'); binary(find(~binary)) = -1; y = [-ones(N-length(binary),1); binary]; if sum(A*y <= b) == M disp('Feasible binary solution found.') y break end end toc
Convex Iteration rank-1
This program demonstrates how a semidefinite problem with a rank-r constraint is equivalently transformed into a problem sequence having a rank-1 constraint; discussed at the end of Chapter 4. Requires CVX.
%Convex Iteration Rank-1, -Jon Dattorro October 2007 % find X % subject to A vec X = b % X positive semidefinite % rank X <= r % X\in\symm^N clear all N=26; M=10; randn('seed',100); A = randn(M,N*N); b = randn(M,1); r = 2; W = ones(r*N); Q11 = zeros(N,N); Q22 = zeros(N,N); count = 1; traceGW = 1e15; normof = 1e15; w1 = 5; cvx_quiet(true); cvx_precision([1e-10 1e-4]); while 1 cvx_begin variable L(r,1); X = L(1)*Q11 + L(2)*Q22; minimize(norm(A*X(:) - b)); L >= 0; cvx_end % find Q cvx_begin variable Q11(N,N) symmetric; variable Q12(N,N); variable Q22(N,N) symmetric; trace(Q11) == 1; trace(Q22) == 1; trace(Q12) == 0; G = [Q11, Q12; Q12', Q22]; G == semidefinite(r*N); X = L(1)*Q11 + L(2)*Q22; minimize(w1*trace(G*W) + norm(A*X(:) - b)); cvx_end [v,d,q] = svd(full(G)); W = v(:,2:r*N)*v(:,2:r*N)'; rankG = sum(diag(d) > max(diag(d))*1e-6) oldtraceGW = traceGW; traceGW = trace(G*W) oldnorm = normof; normof = norm(A*X(:) - b) if (rankG == 1) && (norm(A*X(:) - b) < 1e-6) break end if round((oldtraceGW - traceGW)*1e3) <= 0 && round((oldnorm - normof)*1e3) <= 0 disp('STALLED');disp(' ') W = -v(:,2:r*N)*(v(:,2:r*N)' + randn(r*N-1,1)*v(:,1)'); end count = count + 1; end count
Convex Iteration rank-1, 2013
%prototypical rank constrained sdp by rank-1 transformation, -Jon Dattorro October 2013 % find X % subject to A vec X = b % X positive semidefinite % rank X <= r % X is n x n symmetric clc; tachometer = 0; accelcount = 0; backoutcount = 0; iavg = 0; for exemplar = 1:1 save exemplar exemplar iavg tachometer accelcount backoutcount clear all; load exemplar rand('twister',sum(100*clock)); randn('state',sum(100*clock)); m = 25; %given matrix A is m x n(n+1)/2 n = 7; r = 3; %assumed rank of matrix starting_window_length = 25; quant = 1e6; So = rand(r,1); Uo = orth(randn(n,r)); Xo = Uo*diag(So)*Uo'; A = randn(m,n*(n+1)/2); b = A*svect2(Xo); Y = eye(n*r); cvx_quiet('true'); tic accelerant = 1; iavgadj = 0; Z = []; backout = false; i = 0; it = 0; while 1 i = i + 1; it = it + 1; if i > 1 && isempty(strfind(cvx_status,'Solved')) temp = cvx_solver; if ~isempty(strfind(temp,'SeDuMi')) cvx_solver('SDPT3'); else cvx_solver('SeDuMi'); end iavgadj = iavgadj + 1; temp = cvx_solver; disp(sprintf('switching solver to %s\n',temp)); else cvx_solver('SeDuMi'); end Zold = Z; U = sparse(n,r); T = []; k = 1; for j=1:r idx(k) = 1 + length(T); % index Z matrix by block T = [T; U(:,j)]; k = k + 1; end idx(k) = 1 + length(T); cvx_begin variable Z(n*r,n*r) symmetric; Z == semidefinite(n*r); XX = Z(idx(1):idx(2)-1,idx(1):idx(2)-1); % sum U_ii = X for j=2:r XX = XX + Z(idx(j):idx(j+1)-1,idx(j):idx(j+1)-1); end A*svect2(XX) == b; for j=1:r-1 for l=j+1:r trace(Z(idx(j):idx(j+1)-1,idx(l):idx(l+1)-1)) == 0; % u_i u_j orthogonality end end minimize(trace(Y(:,:,it)'*Z)); cvx_end if it == 1, clc; end disp(sprintf('exemplar = %d',exemplar)) disp(sprintf('cvx_status = %s',cvx_status)) if exemplar > 1 disp(sprintf('average iterations = %d',round(iavg/(exemplar-1)))); end [u s v] = svd(Z); if it > 1 && (isempty(strfind(cvx_status,'Solved')) || (accelerant > 1 && sum(s(ambig+1:end)) > darkmatter(it-1))) && ~tack it = it-1; backout = true; Z = Zold; [u s v] = svd(Z); end tack = false; temp = diag(s); coordinates = chop(temp(1:min(r*2,size(s,1))),quant^-1) ambig = max(1,length(find(abs(coordinates-coordinates(1)) < quant^-1))); Y(:,:,it+1) = u(:,ambig+1:end)*diag(sign(sum(u(:,ambig+1:end).*v(:,ambig+1:end))))*v(:,ambig+1:end)'; Y(:,:,it+1) = (Y(:,:,it+1) + Y(:,:,it+1)')/2; darkmatter(it) = trace(Y(:,:,it+1)'*Z); disp(sprintf('traceYZ = %g',darkmatter(it))) if it > 1 if it == 2, close all; end figure(1) if iavg, magi = floor(iavg/(exemplar-1)); else magi = starting_window_length; end if length(darkmatter) > magi plot(it-magi:it,darkmatter(end-magi:end)); else plot(1:length(darkmatter),darkmatter); end set(gcf,'position',[400 430 256 256]) pause(0.07); end if it > 2 % make a line specified by two points X(:,1) = svect(Y(:,:,it-1) + Y(:,:,it))/2; X(:,2) = svect(Y(:,:,it) + Y(:,:,it+1))/2; XVn = X*Vn(2); Px1 = X(:,1) + XVn*(XVn'*(svect(Y(:,:,it-1))-X(:,1)))/norm(XVn)^2; Px2 = X(:,1) + XVn*(XVn'*(svect(Y(:,:,it)) - X(:,1)))/norm(XVn)^2; Px3 = X(:,1) + XVn*(XVn'*(svect(Y(:,:,it+1))-X(:,1)))/norm(XVn)^2; straight = (norm(svect(Y(:,:,it-1))-Px1,1) + norm(svect(Y(:,:,it))-Px2,1) + norm(svect(Y(:,:,it+1))-Px3,1))/accelerant^2; disp(sprintf('straight = %g',straight)); separation = norm(X(:,2) - X(:,1),1); disp(sprintf('separation %g',separation)); if ~backout if straight < 1 && separation < 1 accelerant = 2^-log10(straight); else accelerant = accelerant/2; end else disp('backing out') accelerant = accelerant/2; backoutcount = backoutcount + 1; end if accelerant > 1 disp(sprintf('accelerant %g',accelerant)) accelcount = accelcount + 1; elseif ~backout disp(' ') end if accelerant < 1, accelerant = 1; end Y(:,:,it+1) = Y(:,:,it+1) + svectinv((accelerant-1)*(X(:,2) - X(:,1))); end disp(' ') if length(find(coordinates)) <= 1 [QQ DD VV] = svd(XX); eigens = diag(DD).*sign(sum(QQ.*VV)'); if (sum(abs(A*svect(XX)-b)) <= quant^-1) && ~length(find(chop(eigens,quant^-1) < 0)) && (length(find(chop(eigens,quant^-1))) <= r) disp(sprintf('iterations = %d',i)) iavg = max(0, iavg + i - iavgadj); toc break end else if iavg && ~mod(i,max(round(log10(quant)*iavg/(exemplar-1)),starting_window_length)) && separation < 1 temp = randn(n*r,n*r); Y(:,:,it+1) = temp*temp'; iavgadj = iavgadj + max(round(log10(quant)*iavg/(exemplar-1)),starting_window_length); tachometer = tachometer + 1; tack = true; elseif ~iavg && ~mod(i,round(log10(quant)*starting_window_length)) && separation < 1 temp = randn(n*r,n*r); Y(:,:,it+1) = temp*temp'; iavgadj = iavgadj + round(log10(quant)*starting_window_length); tachometer = tachometer + 1; tack = true; elseif ambig > 1 && ~sum(abs(coordinates(ambig+1:end))) temp = randn(n*r,n*r); Y(:,:,it+1) = temp*temp'; iavgadj = iavgadj + 1; tachometer = tachometer + 1; tack = true; end end backout = false; end disp(sprintf('average iterations = %d',round(iavg/exemplar))) disp(sprintf('residual = %g',sum(abs(A*svect(XX)-b)))) disp(sprintf('rankX = %g',length(find(chop(eigens,quant^-1))))) disp(sprintf('tack = %d percent',round(100*tachometer/exemplar))) if accelcount, disp(sprintf('backout/accelerant ratio = %g',backoutcount/accelcount)), end end
%Map from symmetric matrix to vector % -Jon Dattorro function y = svect2(Y) N = size(Y,1); ind = zeros(N*(N+1)/2,1); beta = zeros(N*(N+1)/2,1); count = 1; for j=1:N for i=1:j ind(count) = sub2ind(size(Y),i,j); if i==j beta(count) = 1; else beta(count) = sqrt(2); end count = count + 1; end end y = Y(ind).*beta;
%Map from EDM to vector function y = dvect3(Y) N = size(Y,1); ind = zeros(N*(N-1)/2,1); beta = zeros(N*(N-1)/2,1); count = 1; for j=2:N for i=1:j-1 ind(count) = sub2ind(size(Y),i,j); if i~=j beta(count) = 1; end count = count + 1; end end y = Y(ind).*beta;
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) by rank-1 transformation
Introduced at the end of Chapter 4 in 2014 book version. This Matlab program requires CVX.
%svd decomposition by rank-1 transformation -Jon Dattorro October 2013 % X = U diag(S) V' clc; iavg = 0; for exemplar = 1:1 save exemplar exemplar iavg clear all; load exemplar rand('twister',sum(100*clock)); randn('state',sum(100*clock)); m = 6; %given matrix A is m x n, rank r n = 7; r = 3; %assumed rank of matrix quant = 1e6; Uo = orth(randn(m,r)); So = rand(r,1); Vo = orth(randn(n,r)); A = Uo*diag(So)*Vo'; % A = U diag(S) V'. Assume H = U diag(S) Y = eye(2*m*r + n*r + r + 1); cvx_quiet('true'); cvx_solver('sedumi'); tic accelerant = 1; Z = []; backout = false; i = 0; it = 0; while 1 i = i + 1; it = it + 1; Zold = Z; cvx_begin variable H(m,r); variables U(m,r) S(r,1) V(n,r); T = []; k = 1; idx(k) = 1; % index Z matrix by block k = k + 1; for j=1:r idx(k) = 2 + length(T); T = [T; H(:,j)]; k = k + 1; end for j=1:r idx(k) = 2 + length(T); T = [T; U(:,j)]; k = k + 1; end idx(k) = 2 + length(T); T = [T; S]; k = k + 1; for j=1:r idx(k) = 2 + length(T); T = [T; V(:,j)]; k = k + 1; end idx(k) = 2 + length(T); variable ZZT(length(T),length(T)) symmetric; Z = [1 T'; T ZZT]; for j=1:r % variables J58(n,n) J69(n,n) J710(n,n) symmetric; % H U' symmetry dvect3(Z(idx(j+1):idx(j+2)-1,idx(r+j+1):idx(r+j+2)-1)) == dvect3(Z(idx(j+1):idx(j+2)-1,idx(r+j+1):idx(r+j+2)-1)'); end Z == semidefinite(2*m*r + n*r + r + 1); S >= 0; % J512 + J613 + J714 == A; % H V' = A AA = Z(idx(2):idx(3)-1,idx(2*r+3):idx(2*r+4)-1); for j=2:r AA = AA + Z(idx(j+1):idx(j+2)-1,idx(2*r+j+2):idx(2*r+j+3)-1); end AA == A; % Z=[1 H(:,1)' H(:,2)' H(:,3)' U(:,1)' U(:,2)' U(:,3)' S' V(:,1)' V(:,2)' V(:,3)' % H(:,1) J55 J56 J57 J58 J59 J510 J511 J512 J513 J514 % H(:,2) J56' J66 J67 J68 J69 J610 J611 J612 J613 J614 % H(:,3) J57' J67' J77 J78 J79 J710 J711 J712 J713 J714 % U(:,1) J58' J68' J78' J88 J89 J810 J811 J812 J813 J814 % U(:,2) J59' J69' J79' J89' J99 J910 J911 J912 J913 J914 % U(:,3) J510' J610' J710' J810' J910' J1010 J1011 J1012 J1013 J1014 % S J511' J611' J711' J811' J911' J1011' J1111 J1112 J1113 J1114 % V(:,1) J512' J612' J712' J812' J912' J1012' J1112' J1212 J1213 J1214 % V(:,2) J513' J613' J713' J813' J913' J1013' J1113' J1213' J1313 J1314 % V(:,3) J514' J614' J714' J814' J914' J1014' J1114' J1214' J1314' J1414]; % H == [J811(:,1) J911(:,2) J1011(:,3)]; % H = U diag(S) HH = []; for j=1:r HH = [HH Z(idx(r+j+1):idx(r+j+2)-1,idx(2*r+2)+j-1)]; end HH == H; % trace(J58) == S(1,1); trace(J69) == S(2,1); trace(J710) == S(3,1); % H U' singular values for j=1:r trace(Z(idx(j+1):idx(j+2)-1,idx(r+j+1):idx(r+j+2)-1)) == S(j,1); end % trace(J56) == 0; trace(J57) == 0; trace(J67) == 0; % H orthogonality for j=2:r for l=j:r trace(Z(idx(j):idx(j+1)-1,idx(l+1):idx(l+2)-1)) == 0; end end % trace(J59) == 0; trace(J510) == 0; % U' H perpendicularity % trace(J68) == 0; trace(J610) == 0; % trace(J78) == 0; trace(J79) == 0; for j=1:r for l=1:r if l~=j trace(Z(idx(j+1):idx(j+2)-1,idx(r+l+1):idx(r+l+2)-1)) == 0; end end end % trace(J88) == 1; trace(J99) == 1; trace(J1010) == 1; %column normalization % trace(J1212) == 1; trace(J1313) == 1; trace(J1414) == 1; for j=1:r trace(Z(idx(r+j+1):idx(r+j+2)-1,idx(r+j+1):idx(r+j+2)-1)) == 1; trace(Z(idx(2*r+j+2):idx(2*r+j+3)-1,idx(2*r+j+2):idx(2*r+j+3)-1)) == 1; end % trace(J89) == 0; trace(J810) == 0; trace(J910) == 0; %orthogonality % trace(J1213) == 0; trace(J1214) == 0; trace(J1314) == 0; for j=2:r for l=j:r trace(Z(idx(r+j):idx(r+j+1)-1,idx(r+l+1):idx(r+l+2)-1)) == 0; trace(Z(idx(2*r+j+1):idx(2*r+j+2)-1,idx(2*r+l+2):idx(2*r+l+3)-1)) == 0; end end % trace(J55) == J1111(1,1); trace(J66) == J1111(2,2); trace(J77) == J1111(3,3); % H inner product for j=1:r trace(Z(idx(j+1):idx(j+2)-1,idx(j+1):idx(j+2)-1)) == Z(idx(2*r+2)+j-1,idx(2*r+2)+j-1); end minimize(trace(Y(:,:,it)'*Z)); cvx_end if it == 1, clc; end disp(sprintf('exemplar = %d',exemplar)) disp(sprintf('cvx_status = %s',cvx_status)) if exemplar > 1 disp(sprintf('average iterations = %d',round(iavg/(exemplar-1)))); end [u s] = signeig(Z); if it > 1 && (isempty(strfind(cvx_status,'Solved')) || (accelerant > 1 && sum(s(ambig+1:end)) > darkmatter(it-1))) it = it-1; backout = true; Z = Zold; [u s] = signeig(Z); end temp = diag(s); coordinates = chop(temp(1:min(r*2,size(s,1))),quant^-1) ambig = length(find(abs(coordinates-coordinates(1)) < quant^-1)); Y(:,:,it+1) = u(:,ambig+1:end)*u(:,ambig+1:end)'; darkmatter(it) = trace(Y(:,:,it+1)'*Z); disp(sprintf('traceYZ = %g',darkmatter(it))) if it > 1 if it == 2, close all; end figure(1) if iavg, magi = floor(iavg/(exemplar-1)); else magi = 22; end %22 is average number iterations for m=n=7 r=3 if length(darkmatter) > magi plot(it-magi:it,darkmatter(end-magi:end)); else plot(1:length(darkmatter),darkmatter); end set(gcf,'position',[400 430 256 256]) pause(0.07); end if it > 2 % make a line specified by two points X(:,1) = svect(Y(:,:,it-1) + Y(:,:,it))/2; X(:,2) = svect(Y(:,:,it) + Y(:,:,it+1))/2; XVn = X*Vn(2); Px1 = X(:,1) + XVn*(XVn'*(svect(Y(:,:,it-1))-X(:,1)))/norm(XVn)^2; Px2 = X(:,1) + XVn*(XVn'*(svect(Y(:,:,it)) - X(:,1)))/norm(XVn)^2; Px3 = X(:,1) + XVn*(XVn'*(svect(Y(:,:,it+1))-X(:,1)))/norm(XVn)^2; straight = (norm(svect(Y(:,:,it-1))-Px1,1) + norm(svect(Y(:,:,it))-Px2,1) + norm(svect(Y(:,:,it+1))-Px3,1))/accelerant^2; disp(sprintf('straight = %g',straight)); separation = norm(X(:,2) - X(:,1),1); disp(sprintf('separation %g',separation)); if ~backout if straight < 1 && separation < 1 accelerant = 2^-log10(straight); else accelerant = accelerant/2; end else disp('backing out') accelerant = accelerant/2; end if accelerant > 1 disp(sprintf('accelerant %g',accelerant)) elseif ~backout disp(' ') end if accelerant < 1, accelerant = 1; end Y(:,:,it+1) = Y(:,:,it+1) + svectinv((accelerant-1)*(X(:,2) - X(:,1))); end disp(' ') if length(find(coordinates)) <= 1 disp(sprintf('iterations = %d',i)) iavg = iavg + i; toc break end backout = false; end disp(sprintf('average iterations = %d',round(iavg/exemplar))) disp(sprintf('residual = %g',sum(sum(abs(A - U*diag(S)*V'))))) disp(sprintf('singular value match = %g',sum(abs(sort(abs(S)) - sort(So))))) end
fast max cut
We use the graph generator (C program) rudy written by Giovanni Rinaldi which can be found at together with graph data. Requires CVX.
% fast max cut, Jon Dattorro, July 2007, clear all; format short g; tic fid = fopen('graphs12','r'); average = 0; NN = 0; s = fgets(fid); cvx_precision([1e-12, 1e-4]); cvx_quiet(true); w = 1000; while s ~= -1 s = str2num(s); N = s(1); A = zeros(N); for i=1:s(2) s = str2num(fgets(fid)); A(s(1),s(2)) = s(3); A(s(2),s(1)) = s(3); end Q = (diag(A*ones(N,1)) - A)/4; W = zeros(N); traceXW = 1e15; while 1 cvx_begin variable X(N,N) symmetric; maximize(trace(Q*X) - w*trace(W*X)); X == semidefinite(N); diag(X) == 1; cvx_end [v,d,q] = svd(X); W = v(:,2:N)*v(:,2:N)'; rankX = sum(diag(d) > max(diag(d))*1e-8) oldtrace = traceXW; traceXW = trace(X*W) if (rankX == 1) break end if round((oldtrace - traceXW)*1e3) <= 0 disp('STALLED');disp(' ') W = -v(:,2:N)*(v(:,2:N)' + randn(N-1,1)*v(:,1)'); end end x = sqrt(d(1,1))*v(:,1) disp(' '); disp('Combinatorial search for optimal binary solution...') maxim = -1e15; ymax = zeros(N,1); for i=1:2^N binary = str2num(dec2bin(i-1)'); binary(find(~binary)) = -1; y = [-ones(N-length(binary),1); binary]; if y'*Q*y > maxim maxim = y'*Q*y; ymax = y; end end if (maxim == 0) && (abs(trace(Q*X)) <= 1e-8) optimality_ratio = 1 elseif maxim <= 0 optimality_ratio = maxim/trace(Q*X) else optimality_ratio = trace(Q*X)/maxim end ymax average = average + optimality_ratio; NN = NN + 1 running_average = average/NN toc, disp(' ') s = fgets(fid); end
Signal dropout problem
Requires CVX.
%signal dropout problem -Jon Dattorro clear all close all N = 500; k = 4; % cardinality Phi = dctmtx(N)'; % DCT basis successes = 0; total = 0; logNormOfDifference_rate = 0; SNR_rate = 0; for i=1:1 close all SNR = 0; na = .02; SNR10 = 10; while SNR <= SNR10 xs = zeros(N,1); % initialize x* p = randperm(N); % calls rand xs(p(1:k)) = 10^(-SNR10/20) + (1-10^(-SNR10/20))*rand(k,1); s = Phi*xs; noise = na*randn(size(s)); ll = 130; ul = N-ll+1; SNR = 20*log10(norm([s(1:ll); s(ul:N)])/norm(noise)); end normof = 1e15; count = 1; y = zeros(N,1); cvx_quiet(true); while 1 cvx_begin variable x(N); f = Phi*x; minimize(x'*y + norm([f(1:ll)-(s(1:ll)+noise(1:ll)); f(ul:N)-(s(ul:N)+noise(ul:N))])); x >= 0; cvx_end if ~(strcmp(cvx_status,'Solved') || strcmp(cvx_status,'Inaccurate/Solved')) disp('cit failed') return end cvx_begin variable y(N); minimize(x'*y); 0 <= y; y <= 1; y'*ones(N,1) == N-k; cvx_end if ~(strcmp(cvx_status,'Solved') || strcmp(cvx_status,'Inaccurate/Solved')) disp('Fan failed') return end cardx = sum(x > max(x)*1e-8) traceXW = x'*y oldnorm = normof; normof = norm([f(1:ll)-(s(1:ll)+noise(1:ll)); f(ul:N)-(s(ul:N)+noise(ul:N))]); if (cardx <= k) && (abs(oldnorm - normof) <= 1e-8) break end count = count + 1; end count figure(1);plot([s(1:ll)+noise(1:ll); noise(ll+1:ul-1); s(ul:N)+noise(ul:N)]); hold on; plot([s(1:ll)+noise(1:ll); zeros(ul-ll-1,1); s(ul:N)+noise(ul:N)],'k') V = axis; figure(2);plot(f,'r'); hold on; plot([s(1:ll)+noise(1:ll); noise(ll+1:ul-1); s(ul:N)+noise(ul:N)]); axis(V); logNormOfDifference = 20*log10(norm(f-s)/norm(s)) SNR figure(3);plot(f,'r'); hold on; plot(s);axis(V); figure(4);plot(f-s);axis(V); temp = sort([find(chop(x,max(x)*1e-8)); zeros(k-cardx,1)]) - sort(p(1:k))' if ~sum(temp) successes = successes + 1; end total = total + 1 success_avg = successes/total logNormOfDifference_rate = logNormOfDifference_rate + logNormOfDifference; SNR_rate = SNR_rate + SNR; logNormOfDifferenceAvg = logNormOfDifference_rate/total SNR_avg = SNR_rate/total, disp(' ') end successes
Compressive Sampling of Images by Convex Iteration Shepp-Logan phantom
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Cardinality minimization by Convex Iteration. % -Jon Dattorro & Christine S. W. Law, July 2008. % Example. "Compressive sampling of a phantom" from Convex Optimization & Euclidean Distance Geometry. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% clear all %%% Generate Shepp-Logan phantom %%% N = 256; image = chop(phantom(N)); if mod(N,2), disp('N must be even for symmMap()'), return, end %%% Generate K-space radial sampling mask with P lines %%% P = 10; %noninteger bends lines at origin. PHI = fftshift(symmMap(N,P)); %left justification of DC-centric radial sampling pattern %%% Apply sampling mask %%% f = vect(real(ifft2(PHI.*fft2(image)))); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% lambda = 1e8; % fidelity parameter on equality tol_inner = 1e-2; % inner loop exit tolerance tol_outer = 1e-5; % inner loop exit tolerance maxCGiter = 35; % max Conjugate Gradient iterations %%% Build differential matrices %%% Psi1 = kron(speye(N) - spdiags(ones(N,1),-1,N,N), speye(N))'; Psi2 = kron(speye(N), speye(N) - spdiags(ones(N,1),-1,N,N)); Psi = [Psi1; Psi1'; Psi2; Psi2']; close all figure, colormap(gray), axis image, axis off, set(gca,'position',[0 0 1 1]); %set(gcf,'position',[600 1300 512 512]) count = 0; u = vectinv(f); old_u = 0; last_u = 0; y = ones(4*N^2,1); card = 5092; % in vicinity of minimum cardinality which is 5092 at N=256; e.g., 8000 works tic while 1 while 1 count = count + 1; %%%%% r0 %%%%% tmp = Psi'*spdiags(y./(abs(Psi*u(:))+1e-3),0,4*N^2,4*N^2)*Psi; r = tmp*u(:) + lambda*vect(real(ifft2(PHI.*fft2(u - vectinv(f))))); %%%%% Inversion via Conjugate Gradient %%%%% p = 0; beta = 0; for i=1:maxCGiter p = beta*p - r; Gp = tmp*p + lambda*vect(real(ifft2(PHI.*fft2(vectinv(p))))); rold = r'*r; alpha = rold/(p'*Gp); if norm(alpha*p)/norm(u(:)) < 1e-13 break end u(:) = u(:) + alpha*p; r = r + alpha*Gp; beta = (r'*r)/rold; end if norm(u(:)) > 10*norm(f) disp('CG exit') disp(strcat('norm(u(:))=',num2str(norm(u(:))))) u = old_u; end %%%%% display intermediate image %%%%% imshow(real(u),[]) pause(0.04) disp(count) %%% test for fixed point %%% if norm(u(:) - old_u(:))/norm(u(:)) < tol_inner break end old_u = u; end %%% measure cardinality %%% err = 20*log10(norm(image-u,'fro')/norm(image,'fro')); disp(strcat('error=',num2str(err),' dB')) %%% new direction vector %%% [x_sorted, indices] = sort(abs(Psi*u(:)),'descend'); cardest = 4*N^2 - length(find(x_sorted < 1e-3*max(x_sorted))); disp(strcat('cardinality=',num2str(cardest))) y = ones(4*N^2,1); y(indices(1:card)) = 0; if norm(u(:) - last_u(:))/norm(u(:)) < tol_outer break end last_u = u; end toc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%% results %%% figure imshow(image,[]) colormap(gray) axis image axis off figure imshow(fftshift(PHI),[]) colormap(gray) axis image axis off figure imshow(abs(vectinv(f)),[]) colormap(gray) axis image axis off figure imshow(real(u),[]) colormap(gray) axis image axis off disp(strcat('ratio_Fourier_samples=',num2str(sum(sum(PHI))/N^2)))
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % -Jon Dattorro July 2008 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function SM2 = symmMap(N0,P) N = ceil(N0*sqrt(2)/2)*2; sampleMap = zeros(N,N); slice = zeros(N/2+1,2); rot_slice = zeros(N/2+1,2); dTheta = pi/P; for l=1:N/2+1 x = N/2+1; y = l; slice(l,1) = x; slice(l,2) = y; end for p = 0:2*P theta = p*dTheta; for n = 1:N/2 x = slice(n,1)-N/2-1; y = slice(n,2)-N/2-1; x2 = round( x*cos(theta)+y*sin(theta)+N/2+1); y2 = round(-x*sin(theta)+y*cos(theta)+N/2+1); sampleMap(y2,x2) = 1; end end SM = sampleMap(1:N,1:N); SM(N/2+1,N/2+1) = 1; Nc = N/2; N0c = N0/2; SM2 = SM(Nc-N0c+1:Nc+N0c, Nc-N0c+1:Nc+N0c); % make vertically and horizontally symmetric [N1,N1] = size(SM2); Xi = fliplr(eye(N1-1)); SM2 = round((SM2 + [ SM2(1,1) SM2(1,2:N1)*Xi; Xi*SM2(2:N1,1) Xi*SM2(2:N1,2:N1)*Xi])/2);
function y = vect(A); y = A(:);
%convert vector into matrix. m is dim of matrix. function A = vectinv(y) m = round(sqrt(length(y))); if length(y) ~= m^2 disp('dimension error in vectinv()'); return end A = reshape(y,m,m);
High-order polynomials
clear all E = zeros(7,7); E(1,5)=1; E(2,6)=1; E(3,4)=1; E = (E+E')/2; W1 = rand(7); W2 = rand(4); cvx_quiet('true') cvx_precision('high') while 1 cvx_begin variable A(3,3) symmetric; variable C(6,6) symmetric; variable b(3); G = [A b; b' 1]; G == semidefinite(4); X = [C [diag(A);b]; [diag(A)' b'] 1]; X == semidefinite(7); sum(b) == 1; b >= 0; tr(X*E) == 4/27; minimize(trace(X*W1) + trace(G*W2)); cvx_end [v,d,q] = svd(G); W2 = v(:,2:4)*v(:,2:4)'; rankG = sum(diag(d) > max(diag(d))*1e-8) [v,d,q] = svd(X); W1 = v(:,2:7)*v(:,2:7)'; rankX = sum(diag(d) > max(diag(d))*1e-8) if (rankX + rankG) == 2, break, end end x = chop(G(1,4),1e-8), y = chop(G(2,4),1e-8), z = chop(G(3,4),1e-8)